We were conceived as a people-before-profits collective. With that commitment, we take harboring a sense of community very seriously. We partner with the following galleries and NGOs whose missions align with ours.
With a name translates into “home of the giving”, this 22 year old institution has lived up to its promise of enriching the lives of its patrons, employees and community by giving them the opportunity to experience art in all of its forms. Dar Al-Anda promotes and exhibits visual arts originating from or inspired by the Middle East & North Africa.
Dar Al-Anda was founded by Majdoline Al-Ghezawi Al-Ghoul in 1998 with the core premise that art should be accessible by everyone. Our involvement in our local community is evidenced through our engaging artists, craftspeople and influencers from the region and beyond.. partners with Dar Al-Anda by enlisting the assistance of its Owner and Founder in curating artworks & identifying emerging talent. It currently stands are our primary partner gallery.
Learn more about Dar Al-Anda Gallery by visiting their website.
The main exhibition hall at Dar Al-Anda Art Gallery
Visualizing Impact
Visualizing Impact (VI) is a laboratory for innovation at the intersection of data science, technology, and design. VI creates impactful tools highlighting critical social issues around the world. Most notably, VI is known for its first portfolio, Visualizing Palestine (VP). VP creates data-driven tools to promote a factual, rights-based narrative of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. partners with VI by contributing 5% of its net proceeds to Visualizing Impact, which operates as a registered non-profit in Canada and operates as a 501(c)(3) in the US via a fiscal sponsorship. We are proud to have partnered up with Visualizing Palestine for our inaugural exhibition, A National Monument with works by Marwan Rechmaoui,
Explore the ongoing online edition of A National Monument.
From the vernissage of A National Monument at Dar El-Nimer in Beirut, Lebanon